HumaniVR is an interdisciplinary research project at the University of Hildesheim, Dept. of Intercultural Communication. The team includes members from the Dept. of Information Science and Language Technology (Univ. of Hildesheim), and collaborates with members of the Department of Teacher Education (German) at the University of Potsdam.
PD Dr. habil. Karsten Senkbeil (Dept. for Intercultural Communication, U of Hildesheim)
Researchers at the University of Hildesheim:
Dr. Ralph Kölle (Dept. for Information Sciences and Natural Language Processing, U of Hildesheim.)
Dr. Nicola Hoppe (Dept for Intercultural Communication, U of Hildesheim)
Mathis Göcht (student assistant)
Collaborators at the University of Potsdam:
Dr. Timo Ahlers (Dept. for Teacher Education “German”)