The “Mittsommernacht” festival at Campus Domäne in Hildesheim is a fantastic event with music, art, exhibitions, and of course food and drink.

This year, on June 18 2022, “HumaniVR” and its sibling project “Digital C@mpus Le@rning” join the festival to offer visitors glimpses into our current work with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
Both children and adults are invited to try out the “Hildesheim Tandem Garden”, to test their language skills in exciting multilingual games, to explore the virtual chemistry laboratory and solve a tricky situation with “dangerous” chemicals, and several other activities.
Here’s to hoping for fair weather. We are looking forward to a fun experience with students, friends and families.
Location: Campus Domäne Marienburg, Hildesheim
Time: Saturday 18 June 2022, 16:30 – 21:30 h